the youngster view

i am new to this blogging stuff so i hope all of you will help me to make this blog wonderful.. i will write bout my daily life, my experience and my thoughts bout what is happening around me..

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

show some respect!!

we have been shocked with the released of the movie "fitna". this movie which is created by dutch member of parliament Geert Wilders. this movie have caused outrage among muslims around the world. the released of this movie really shows how disrespect wilders is to muslims. he is trying to be a smart alex without knowing that he is the number one target to the al-qaeda terorrist. i think everyone should show respect to other religion and sensitivity. this kind of fool act should not be done. the consiquences of this act is really devastating to the dutch economy. some muslim countries are starting to boycott dutch products. some of well known dutch products are Shell, Philips, and Dutch Lady. imagine all the muslims in the world boycott dutch product, then the dutch will be in trouble. their economy gonna fall down. the health ministry had even cancelled all the purchase of medicine from dutch. this havoc is all because of the idiot name wilders who is an atheis(no religion). i hope no one will do this stupid thing again. and for the muslims, dont try to get a revenge and do a movie bout other religion which can cause outrage as this will cause a worse consiquences.


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